
Protecting your children from cybercriminals


To protect children and adults from cybercriminals, awareness is essential. There are several steps you can take to ensure a better understanding of the risks and how to protect yourself.

1. Protection - learn and be aware:

Be aware of the risks that are presented online. Bear in mind that even children are victims of cybercriminals. Learning about cybersecurity and discussing threats with your children helps foster awareness and makes them more aware of the risks.

2. Teach them how to protect themselves:

Another sure way to teach the children to increase their awareness is to take them to a cyber security exhibit in school. The exhibit gives parents a visual demonstration of what can happen when their child uses the Internet.

3. Report inappropriate social media activity:

Children, who are social, often post inappropriate behavior. For example, posting inappropriate pictures on the social media platform or using it to make inappropriate comments. A ‘Report Abuse’ button on the social media platform alerts the social media company when your child violates their terms of service, giving them more information about what your child might do.

4. Talk to your children about internet safety:

Try talking to your children to teach them what their responsibilities are in the internet world. Discuss different types of cyber security as well as chat rooms and chat applications.

5. Make your children aware of the safety and security features of their own devices:

Teach your children what products and services are out there that provide for the safety and security of their own devices. Be careful when deciding on the devices that your children can use. It is best to keep children away from websites and social media apps that are tempting to them. Instead, make devices safer and offer responsible devices like well-made devices that offer the best possible security.



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Protecting your children from cybercriminals

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